Please take a moment to help us better understand what we can do to make our services better.

1. Have you heard of The eWaste Coalition?*

2. Have you ever heard of the term eWaste or Electronic Waste?*

3. Do you think it is important to recycle electronics?*

4. How much do you know about the material used in e-waste and their effect on human health?*

5. How much do you know about the material used in e-waste and their effect on the environment?*

1. Do you currently have items that you are keeping because you wish to get the data off of them before disposal?*

2. What factors are keeping you from disposing of your devices?*

3. What did you do with the last item you upgraded an electronic device?*

4. How concerned are you about the safety of data in your old devices?*

1. Are you willing to bring your devices to e-waste drop-off locations/events?*

2. Would you be willing to pay a nominal fee to have your items picked up?*

3. How far are you willing to travel to drop-off your e-waste?*

1. What is your age group?*

2. What is your average household income?*

3. How often do you upgrade your technology?*

1. How can we improve our services?

2. Is there a place where you would like to see a collection event?